刘 谨,郭彦峰,张 伟,付云岗.蓄冷剂与选择透过性薄膜对瓦楞纸箱隔热性能的影响[J].中国造纸学报,2011,26(3):21-25 本文二维码信息
Influence of Coolant and Perm-selectivity Film on Heat Insulating Property of Corrugated Box
中文关键词:  蓄冷剂  选择透过性薄膜  瓦楞纸箱  隔热性能
Key Words:coolant  perm-selectivity film  corrugated box  heat insulating property
刘 谨 西安理工大学包装工程系陕西西安710048 
郭彦峰* 西安理工大学包装工程系陕西西安710048 
张 伟 西安理工大学包装工程系陕西西安710048 
付云岗 西安理工大学包装工程系陕西西安710048 
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      The influence of coolant and perm-selectivity film on heat insulating property of corrugated box was researched, and the temperature (or heat) transfer effect of composite corrugated box was discussed. The results of three package modes for corrugated box during exothermic and decalescence experiments showed that, the double-modulation with coolant and perm-selectivity film on usual corrugated box has the best heat insulating property, the single-modulation with only perm-selectivity film and no coolant on corrugated box can also increase the heat insulating property of usual corrugated box. Therefore the heat insulating property of usual corrugated box may be effectively enhanced by the combined usage of coolant and perm-selectivity film, then the keeping-fresh function of modified atmosphere packaging technology with corrugated box can be further improved.
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