石义刚,付建生,袁世炬,潘 诚.PCC预絮聚体形成机理探讨[J].中国造纸学报,2013,28(4):28-31 本文二维码信息
Study on the PCC Flocculation Formation Mechanism
中文关键词:  PCC预絮聚体  静电场  絮聚机理  PCC
Key Words:PCC flocculate  static electric filed  flocculation formation mechanism
石义刚 湖北工业大学制浆造纸研究所湖北武汉430068 
付建生 湖北工业大学制浆造纸研究所湖北武汉430068 
袁世炬 湖北工业大学制浆造纸研究所湖北武汉430068 
潘 诚 湖北工业大学制浆造纸研究所湖北武汉430068 
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      In this paper, the PCC flocculates retention in the paper was investigated, and the particle size and Zeta potential of the flocculate in the suspension were measured. In order to explain the formation mechanism of the flocculate of PCC+CS(cationic starch)+CP3(anionic organic polymer), electrostatic field theory was introduced. When adding CS solution into the PCC suspension, weak flocculation which could not resist high shear occurred. The flocculate could be idealized as a hollow sphere. According to the electrostatic field theory, there was an electric gradient in the vertical direction of a micro plane. When the negative charged CP3 was added into the suspension, it would move into the sphere by the electric force, and the whole flocculate probably shrunked. In that case, the flocculate could suffer high shear and had a better retention in the paper.
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