徐梦蝶,朱玉连,钱慧文,潘雨婷,戴红旗*.表面施胶淀粉对箱纸板的渗透及增挺作用[J].中国造纸学报,2015,30(1):27-31 本文二维码信息
Effect of Starch Surface Sizing on Stiffness of Kraft Paper Board
中文关键词:  酶改性淀粉  表面施胶  渗透  增挺作用
Key Words:enzymatic starch  surface sizing  penetration  stiffness
徐梦蝶 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京 210037 
朱玉连 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京 210037 
钱慧文 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京 210037 
潘雨婷 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京 210037 
戴红旗* 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京 210037 
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      利用中温α-淀粉酶对玉米淀粉进行酶降解处理,获得了不同黏度(相当于降低淀粉分子质量)的改性淀粉,并用其对箱纸板表面进行施胶,分析该淀粉向箱纸板内部的渗透能力,并探讨淀粉渗透程度对箱纸板挺度的影响。研究表明,在酶改性淀粉黏度75 mPa·s、施胶温度70℃、施胶量8 g/m2、施胶液浓度12%条件下进行表面施胶,该酶改性淀粉能通过纸张孔隙渗入纸板内部,成纸环压指数提高至11.51 N·m/g(提高23.8%),挺度指数提高至232.6 N·m3/g(提高77.6%)。
      Corn starch was modified by α-amylase,and the modified starch was applied to surface sizing of kraft paper board to improve its stiffness. The penetration of starch in paper board was studied. The modified starch with viscosity of 75 mPa·s was applied to surface sizing of kraft paper board.Under the condition of sizing solution concentration 12%,sizing temperature 70℃ and sizing amount 8 g/m2,the ring crush index and stiffness index increased respectively to 11.51 N·m/g and 232.6 N·m3/g. The image analysis of the paper board cross-sections indicated that starch with low viscosity could penetrate into internal paper board by surface sizing at low solids contents.Present study confirmed that starch distributed evenly in z-direction of the paper board by surface sizing using the starch with viscosity 75 mPa·s at 12% solids content.
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