谢福春,孙 舒,张艳君,秦 栋,王华田.速生材海州常山制浆性能分析[J].中国造纸学报,2017,32(1):7-11 本文二维码信息
Pulping Property of Fast-growing Wood Clerodendrum Trichotomum Thumb
中文关键词:  海州常山  化学成分  纤维形态  制浆性能
Key Words:Clerodendrum trichotomum Thumb.  chemical composition  fiber morphology  pulping property
谢福春1 1.东北农业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨,150030 
孙 舒2 2.济南市槐荫区兴福街道办事处,山东济南,250117 
张艳君3 3.哈尔滨理工大学荣成学院,山东荣成,264300 
秦 栋1 1.东北农业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨,150030 
王华田4,* 4.山东农业大学,山东泰安,271018 
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      为探讨海州常山作为制浆材的可行性,以来自河南栾川、江苏连云港、山东泰安3个种源的海州常山为原料,分析了其化学成分、纤维形态与制浆性能。结果表明,海州常山的综纤维素平均含量为78.32%,苯-醇抽出物含量低于1.5%,纤维长度700~900 μm,制浆得率约40%,成纸强度指标(耐破指数、耐折度等)与常用的阔叶木制浆材成纸相近,其中,山东泰安种源的海州常山制浆性能综合评价较好。
      In order to investigate the feasibility of Clerodendrum trichotomum Thumb.(C. trichotomum) as a pulp-making material, three different C. trichotomum woods which came from the regions of Luanchuan (Henan province), Lianyungang (Jiangsu province) and Taian (Shandong province) respectively were selected as raw materials, the chemical composition, fiber morphology and pulping property were analyzed. The results showed that the average content of holocellulose in three provenances of C. trichotomum woods was 78.32%, the extract content from benzene alcohol was below 1.5%, the fiber length was in the range from 700 μm to 900 μm, the pulping yield reached to 40%, and the burst index and folding strength of handsheet of C. trichotomum were almost as same as the common used hardwoods. The study indicated that C. trichotomum from Taian had a better pulping property. In short, the fiber length of C. trichotomum is short, it can be used with long-fiber coniferous wood in papermaking.
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