汪 瑶,徐 亮,殷文志,胡慕伊,黄明智,刘鸿斌.基于ANN和LSSVR的造纸废水处理过程软测量建模[J].中国造纸学报,2017,32(1):50-54 本文二维码信息
Soft Sensor Modeling of Papermaking Wastewater Treatment Processes Based on ANN and LSSVR
中文关键词:  人工神经网络  最小二乘支持向量回归  造纸废水处理  软测量建模  粒子群优化算法
Key Words:artificial neural network  least squares support vector regression  papermaking wastewater treatment  soft sensor modeling  particle swarm optimization
汪 瑶1 1.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京,210037 
徐 亮1 1.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京,210037 
殷文志1 1.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京,210037 
胡慕伊1 1.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京,210037 
黄明智3 3.中山大学水资源与环境系,广东广州,510275 
刘鸿斌1,2,* 1.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室,江苏南京,2100372.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
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      Concerning the time-varying, nonlinear, and complex characteristics of papermaking wastewater treatment systems, soft sensor modeling methods based on artificial neural network (ANN) and least squares support vector regression (LSSVR) were used to predict effluent chemical oxygen demand and suspended solids in a papermaking wastewater treatment process. ANN model was established by using error back propagation algorithm. The particle warm optimization was used to optimize model parameters in the LSSVR model. The results showed that the root mean square error of LSSVR model reduced by more than 50% compared with that of ANN model, and the correlation coefficient of LSSVR model increased by about 10% compared with that of ANN model. These results indicated that the LSSVR model had better prediction performance and higher accuracy compared to the ANN model in papermaking wastewater treatment process.
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