彭 成,杨 玲,杨忠奎,李文俊,刘一山,于成龙,张 豪,刘泽覃,王 尧,王云凤,肖 林,张克钟.竹浆粕制备工艺条件的探讨[J].中国造纸学报,2017,32(3):16-20 本文二维码信息
Study on the Process Conditions of Bamboo Dissolving Pulp Preparation
中文关键词:  竹浆粕  预水解  中和  硫酸盐法蒸煮
Key Words:bamboo dissolving pulp  pre-hydrolysis  neutralize  kraft cooking
彭 成1 1.四川永丰浆纸股份有限公司四川乐山614500 
杨 玲2,* 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
杨忠奎3 2.四川理工学院四川自贡643000 
李文俊2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
刘一山2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
于成龙2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
张 豪2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
刘泽覃2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
王 尧2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
王云凤2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
肖 林2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
张克钟2 3.四川银鸽竹浆纸业有限公司四川泸州646300 
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      The bamboo pulp was prepared from mixed bamboo slices by pre-hydrolysis, alkali solution neutralization, kraft cooking and ECF bleaching. To obtain the best conditions for the preparation of bamboo pulp,the performance of the slurry was analyzed by changing the maximum temperature of the pre-hydrolysis, the amount of alkali in the alkaline solution neutralization and the maximum temperature and amount of alkali in kraft cooking.The results showed that the best performance indicators of bleached bamboo pulp was obtained when the maximum temperature of pre-hydrolysis was 165℃, the alkali content was 8%~10% (Na2O), the maximum temperature and the amount of alkali correspond to 165℃ and 6% (Na2O) in kraft cooking, respectively.When the maximum temperature of pre-hydrolysis and the maximum cooking temperature of KP were 145℃, the yield of pulp was 6%~7% higher than that of the maximum temperature of pre-hydrolysis (165℃)and the maximum cooking temperature of kraft cooking (145℃). The bamboo pulp after bleaching could be used to prepare cellulose acetate and viscose fibers when the amount of alkali was 6% to 8% (Na2O) and 10% to 12% (Na2O) in the kraft cooking, respectively.
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