向娥琳,刘杏娥,田根林,马建锋,杨淑敏,王燕高.广西4种丛生竹材解剖特征的对比研究[J].中国造纸学报,2019,34(1):1-6 本文二维码信息
Anatomical Characteristics of Four Sympodial Bamboo in Guangxi Autonomous Region
中文关键词:  丛生竹  解剖特性  维管束  纤维形态
Key Words:sympodial bamboo  anatomical characteristic  vascular bundles  fiber morphology
向娥琳1,2 1.国际竹藤中心北京1001022.四川农业大学林学院四川成都611130 
刘杏娥1 1.国际竹藤中心北京100102 
田根林1 1.国际竹藤中心北京100102 
马建锋1 1.国际竹藤中心北京100102 
杨淑敏1,* 1.国际竹藤中心北京100102 
王燕高2 2.四川农业大学林学院四川成都611130 
摘要点击次数: 3856
全文下载次数: 1751
      采用生物解剖学方法,对广西4种丛生竹(撑篙竹、粉单竹、吊丝竹、青皮竹)的主要解剖特征进行了系统研究,以期为优质制浆造纸竹材的合理筛选提供基础数据。研究结果表明,4种丛生竹的维管束形态均属于断腰型,平均纤维组织比量、纤维长度、长宽比和壁腔比分别介于40.2%~46.8%、1.75~3.54 mm、117~229、2.50~5.90之间。在竹壁径向上,维管束密度由竹黄向竹青逐渐增大,而双壁厚呈减小的趋势,竹壁径中部的纤维长度、宽度和腔径均为最大。综合来看,4种丛生竹适宜作为制浆造纸原料。其中,撑篙竹的纤维性能与毛竹相近,粉单竹、青皮竹和吊丝竹的纤维性能更优。
      To provide basic data for the reasonable selection of high quality bamboo species as raw material for pulping and papermaking, the method of biological anatomy was used to investigate the anatomical characteristics of four sympodial bamboos (Bambusa chungii, Dendrocala-mus minor, Bambusa textilis, Bambusa pervariabilis).The results indicated that the morphology of vascular bundles in four sympodial bamboos was the type of broken-waist.The average fiber percentage, length, length-width ratio and wall-lumen ratio of these four bamboos ranged from 40.2% to 46.8%, 1.75 mm to 3.54 mm, 117 to 229 and 2.50 to 5.90, respectively.In the radial direction of the bamboo culm wall, the density of vascular bundles declined, but the double cell wall thickness increased from the outer zone to the inner.The maximums of length, width and lumen diameter of fiber were appeared in the middle of bamboo culm walls.The four sympodial bamboos were suitable as raw materials for pulping and papermaking, in which the fiber quality of Bambusa pervariabilis was similar to moso bamboo, but not as good as the other three species
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