胡 倩,景 宜.壳聚糖-膨润土微粒助留助滤体系性能的影响因素研究[J].中国造纸学报,2019,34(2):25-32 本文二维码信息
Research on Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Chitosan-Bentonite Microparticle Retention System
中文关键词:  壳聚糖  膨润土  阳离子聚丙烯酰胺  微粒助留助滤体系  成纸性能
Key Words:chitosan  bentonite  CPAM  microparticle retention and drainage system  paper performance
胡 倩 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京210037 
景 宜* 南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京210037 
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      为探索壳聚糖-膨润土(Cs-Bn)微粒助留助滤体系的性能及影响因素,研究了壳聚糖脱乙酰度及相对分子质量对Cs-Bn体系作用效果的影响,并对Cs、Cs-Bn、阳离子聚丙烯酰胺 膨润土(CPAM-Bn)及Cs-CPAM-Bn体系进行比较分析。研究发现,当壳聚糖脱乙酰度及相对分子质量较低时,Cs-Bn体系的助留助滤性能最佳,而壳聚糖脱乙酰度及相对分子质量越高,成纸匀度和强度越好;与Cs单元体系相比,Cs-Bn体系的填料留着率、纸浆滤水性能、成纸匀度及强度均显著提高,解决了常规Cs单元体系引起的高填料留着率与低成纸匀度及强度的矛盾;与CPAM-Bn体系相比,Cs-Bn体系的成纸匀度、抗张强度、撕裂度分别提高了178.4%、71.1%、24.8%,其在成纸物理性能方面具有优势;Cs-CPAM-Bn体系结合了Cs和CPAM的优势,实现了高填料留着率、高纸浆滤水性能、高成纸匀度及强度。
      As a bio-based environment-friendly chemical additive,chitosan combined with bentonite(Cs-Bn system)was evaluated as micro-particle retention and drainage aid. To explore the performance and the influence factors of the system, the effects of chitosan deacetylation degree (D.D.)and molecular weight (Mη)on the performance of Cs-Bn system were investigated.The efficiency of Cs-Bn system was compared with chitosan single system, cationic polyacrylamide(CPAM)-Bn system and Cs-CPAM-Bn system. The results indicated that chitosan with low Mη and medium D.D. had the greatest retention and drainage rate in Cs-Bn system, and the higher the D.D. or MV was, the better the paper formation and strength would be. The Cs-Bn system was clearly more efficient in retention, drainage and paper formation than chitosan single system, besides, it could solve the contradiction between high retention and poor formation caused by chitosan single system. Compared with CPAM-Bn system, the Cs-Bn system could improve the formation by 178.4% and strength by 71.1%. The Cs-CPAM-Bn system combined the advantages of Cs and CPAM to achieve higher retention, drainage and better formation.
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