唐小慧,平清伟,盛雪茹.微波消解预处理碱木质素制备阳离子型表面活性剂[J].中国造纸学报,2022,37(3):45-52 本文二维码信息
Preparation of Cationic Surfactant Derived from Alkali Lignin by Microwave Digestion Pretreatment
中文关键词:  碱木质素  表面活性剂  季铵化  微波消解
Key Words:alkali lignin  surfactant  quaternization  microwave digestion
唐小慧* 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁省生物质与化学重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
平清伟 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁省生物质与化学重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
盛雪茹 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁省生物质与化学重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
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      以碱木质素(AL)为原料,采用微波消解预处理AL,随后采用季胺化反应制备得到木质素基离子型表面活性剂。探究H2O2用量、微波功率、微波时间对产物性能的影响,并利用电位滴定、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、紫外-可见分光光度计和光学接触角测量仪等对AL及其季铵化产物(ALG)、微波消解预处理木质素(ALM)及其季铵化产物(即木质素基阳离子型表面活性剂,ALMG)进行表征。结果表明,微波消解预处理的最佳反应条件是:H2O2用量8.4 wt%、微波时间7 min、微波功率140 W。经微波消解预处理后,ALM的酚羟基含量明显提高(由AL的1.29 mmol/g提高至ALM的2.39 mmol/g)。经季铵化接枝后,ALMG具有较低的表面张力,相同质量浓度(0.1 g/L)下,ALMG溶液的表面张力为36 mN/m,显著低于ALG溶液的表面张力(47 mN/m);ALMG临界胶束浓度值为0.6 g/L,可用作润湿剂。
      Lignin-based cationic surfactant derived from alkali lignin (AL) was prepared by microwave digestion pretreatment, accompanied by quaternization in this study. Effects of H2O2 dosage, microwave power, and microwave duration on performance of the obtained product were studied. Potentiometric titration, FT-IR, UV-vis, optical contact angle measuring were used to characterize AL and its quaternization product (ALG), microwave pretreated lignin (ALM) and its quaternization product (i.e.‍, lignin-based cationic surfactant, ALMG). The results show that the optimal conditions of microwave digestion are H2O2 dosage of 8.4 wt%, microwave duration 7 min, and microwave power 140 W. It is found that the hydroxyl content of ALM increased significantly from 1.29 mmol/g(AL) to 2.39 mmol/g after microwave digestion. The surface tension of quaternized ALMG solution (36 mN/m) was lower than that of its ALG counterpart (47 mN/m) at the same mass concentration of 0.1 g/L. Moreover, the critical micelle concentration of ALMG is 0.6 g/L, rendering it a promising candidate of wetting agent.
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