高 鑫,唐荣成,盛培秀,周成喜,孙庆杰.新型天然复合纸基材料对滤棒成型及性能的影响[J].中国造纸学报,2012,27(4):14-17 本文二维码信息
Study on the Forming Process and Pressure Drop Stability of the New Natural Composite Material Filter Tip
中文关键词:  新型天然复合纸基材料  定量  压降  压深比例
Key Words:new natural composite material  basis weight  pressure drop  crimping depth
高 鑫 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226001 
唐荣成 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226001 
盛培秀 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226001 
周成喜 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226001 
孙庆杰 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226001 
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      考察了新型天然复合纸基材料(CAP,定量36 g/m2)的定量波动和滤棒压降的相关性,以确定CAP的定量标准;在相同工艺条件下,分别对CAP和纯木浆纸(CP,定量36 g/m2)的压深比例和滤棒压降的相关性进行了研究,并对CAP和CP滤棒压降的稳定性、滤材压深比例与滤棒压降的关系进行了比较。结果表明,当CAP定量波动在±1 g/m2范围内时,CAP定量波动与滤棒压降之间无相关性;当CAP定量波动超过±1 g/m2时,CAP定量波动对滤棒压降的影响较大;CAP和CP滤棒压降都随压深比例的增加而增大;当压深比例在20%~70%时,CAP的压深比例和滤棒压降的线性关系良好;与醋酸纤维滤棒复合后,CAP滤棒可设计成满足要求的复合滤棒。
      The new natural composite material (CAP), made of the wood pulp and special functional fibers is a composite filter paper. In order to define the basis weight criteria of CAP, the relationship between pressure drop and the weight of the CAP filter tip was investigated. The relationship between pressure drop and crimping depth of CAP filter tip and pure wood pulp paper filter tip in the same process conditions was also conceived, and the characteristic curves of filter tip were fitted. The correlation analysis showed that when basis weight of CAP was in the range of (36±1)g/m2, there was no correlation between crimping depth and pressure drop, while there was a close relationship when it exceeded (36±1)g/m2. It indicated that pressure drop increases while the crimping depth grows, and pressure drop has a linear relationship with the crimping depth in the range of 20%~70% especially for CAP. Their stability of pressure drop is not as good as diacetate cellulose tow. The practice proves that they can satisfy the requirement of dual filters.
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